In February of 2013, a close friend of mine asked if I would do a presentation for her daughter's kindergarten class during their "Artist Week". I was excited to share my love for drawing art and quickly agreed.
Well, the one presentation turned into two, encompassing all five kindergarten classes, or about 126 students - and we had an amazing time! The children immediately responded to my enthusiasm and excitement, and within minutes were drawing the images I showed them. I was truly amazed at the brilliant minds surrounding me. As I was leaving that day, the kids couldn't remember my name, so they called out, "Goodbye, Mr. Artist Guy!", and it stuck. Now, anytime I'm at school, whether it's to help out with a project for the school auction, or give another presentation, or just to pick up my daughter at the end of the day, I'm known on the playground as Mr. Artist Guy!
I'm very happy to have this new opportunity to offer drawing and art classes to all of the children in our local and nearby communities. I love teaching and watching kids develop what I'm sure will be a lifetime love and appreciation of art. I truly admire each child's creativity and courage to express themselves in their work and enjoy showing them shortcuts and tricks to make their projects easier. It's an amazing feeling to see a child beaming with pride from a completed work of art...and being part of their learning process is priceless!